
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Guns or Glitter Gender Reveal!!!! 11-10-13

We're having a girl!!!!! Hadleigh Grace Lipscomb will arrive March 2014! Here are some pictures from our gender reveal party! We did a slideshow to reveal then celebrated with cake filled with PINK!


  1. this for real? this is EXTREMELY're pretty much placing extreme gender expectations on your child that hasn't even been born yet and promoting the idea that men are "strong, gun-wielding, and dominant" while women are "fragile, glitter-loving domestic goddesses who have no greater purpose in life than to stay at home making glittery pink arts and crafts and keeping the kitchen clean." why would you place such harsh expectations on your unborn child? Why can't you let children decide what they like? Instead, you are taking guns- a violent, murderous object that has created wars and tragically ended lives- and rationalizing that all boys automatically love violent, masculine guns. Carrying a gun-shooting and killing things- equals being a man. Why can't your child just be whoever he or she wants to become?

    1. You are entitled to your opinion, welcomed or not. If you don't like the way I'm planning on raising my children then feel free to look the other way. Who are you to judge or press your liberal views upon anyone. I am a Christian, God fearing man of the South! We have culture and traditions that go back many generations. Its a way of life that you obviously cannot understand. And thats ok, I don't fault you for your inability to comprehend our way of life. Firearms are the tools our country's founders used to gain independence from the same like minded people you represent. Our great nation has the freedoms that you and I enjoy every day because they were able to defend themselves. People kill people, guns do not. I never implied my child could not express itself in any particular way, shape or fashion. If my daughter wants to dance or hunt, thats up to her and Ill support her in what ever way she decides to enjoy life. This reveal party was just a fun way to share our gender announcement with our close friends and family. If we decided to use "pink or blue" would we still be scrutinized for being sexist? Girls can wear blue and boys can wear pink too. Your reading into it far too much.
      Thanks and God bless! ~ Clint Lipscomb

    2. I am with you Katie. I was very disturbed by this as well. Welcome to your stereo typing family kiddo! Hope you aren't different or weird in any way. I hope you like exactly what your parents expect. I am from the south. What part of your tradition or culture includes guns? How far is 'many' generations? You do realize your family came here by ship and do you have much documentation on what they were like before that? Culture is a lost word on most of the south. It's a way to justify disturbing behavior with nothing to back it up.

  2. Wow what a comment! I love the guns or glitter idea! You are not placing any gender expectations on your child, you are just coming up with a cute girl or boy idea! Love it!!!

  3. Good grief people, this is just a theme for a party!! Is it unacceptable to plan a princess party theme or a cowboy theme for a little girl or boy's birthday party?! Please lighten up and have some fun! I personally think this is adorable and I'm so happy I found your blog to get some ideas for my best friend's gender reveal.

  4. I wanted to say, I am too going with the Guns or Glitter gender reveal theme and I am loving every second of it!! Your a beautiful family!! I wish you all the best, your going to be amazing parents providing traditional family values in a truly upside down messed up world. God Bless!

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