
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Work It Out BABY!

I'm really thankful for my Piranha family! My coworkers and the clients have been so supportive since I've announced my pregnancy. I'm very blessed to be surrounded by people who make me the best version of me I can be! I love being able to work out while pregnant. I have felt great except for being tired lately. Im thankful the nausea subsided after week 10. I feel like cardio and weights only give me more energy and makes my body feel better! Teaching Zumba doesn't really feel much different right now. I plan to teach until my body tells me I shouldn't. During Power training I have been doing the moves I can, modifying the moves I can't, and skipping other parts. Today, I was able to complete the entire workout only modifying one move. Thanks to Lindsay and Devin for the help and motivation! I wouldn't have been able to do it without them! I have been able to focus on my diet and eating better. The only problem is I am hungry all the time and have to keep healthy snacks around or I am grabbing the first bag of chips I see. Clint and I have been planning meals and making sure to stick to the plan. Lindsay is going to give me some good recipes she thinks might be good for this prego! I am thankful I am hungry though rather than no appetite. I'm trying to give Baby L the nutrients he/she needs to grow and be healthy! Well... thats it for now. Week 14 has been great.... Bring on week 15!

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